September - December 2021

Data Talks

Brazil Centre
University of Münster
New Data Talks Blog Post

Data for urban policy in Brazil

by Giusepe Filocomo and Rérisson Máximo

"Brazil is a federalist country, a system in which the federated entities - central government, states, municipalities - have political, administrative, tax, and financial autonomy. Since the 1988 Federal Constitution, the municipalities have gained a more prominent role in implementing public policies in Brazil (...)"
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Data Talks
Data Talks is a series of talks between Brazil and Germany on the topic of usages of public
transparency and open government data to face the social challenges from our times.

From September to December 2021, researchers, government officials and experts
will exchange their views and experiences on how can we use public data to improve
education, promote sustainability, fight corruption, and other themes.
Watch the discussions live on youtube, with english or portuguese subtitles
Download the episode's transcripts in english and portuguese
Listen to all episodes on Spotify
Read insights from Ph.D. Candidates
Watch all episodes
Soon, subtitles in English and Portuguese (BR) will also be available for all videos.
Listen as podcast
Here you can listen to the episodes in podcast format. Enjoy!
Data Talks Blog
Researcher of University of São Paulo contribute with insights from Data Talks Episodes.
DT Blog #1
by Julia Azevedo Moretti
DT Blog #2
by Filipe Canto Oliveira
DT Blog #4
by Marta Arantes Godoy
DT Blog #5
by Lara Isa Costa Ferreira
DT Blog #6
by Carla Aragão, Gisele Craveiro and Lilian Bartira Silva
DT Blog #7
by Giuseppe Filocomo and Rérisson Máximo
More about each talk
Find out more about the participants, access audio and English transcript and Portuguese translation.
Episode #1
How smart are the cities today? That’s the topic of our first talk "Smart Cities in 2021: advances and challenges", featuring Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting (IfPOL-WWU) and Prof. Dr. Ana Carla Bliacheriene (EACH-USP).
Episode #2
What has changed in health administration with the COVID-19 crisis and what are the new challenges that we will face? With Prof. Dr. Christovam Barcellos (ICICT - Fiocruz) and M.Sc. Mara Mendes (IfPOL-WWU).
Episode #3
How data is being used  in educational policies and practices? With Prof. Dr. Marcelo Parreira do Amaral (IfE-WWU, Germany) and M.Sc. Gabriel Barreto Corrêa (Todos pela Educação, Brazil)

Episode #4
What are the challenges imposed by the climate crisis and how data can help tackle them? With Dr. Milena Ponczek (IFUSP- USP / Atmospheric Tales ) and Dr. Thomas Bartoschek (IfGI-WWU / re:edu )
Episode #5
How can civil society take concrete measures to fight corruption and how public data can be an essential tool for this battle? With M.A. Juliana Sakai (Transparencia Brasil) , Dr. Bianca Vaz Mondo (ERCAS) and M.Sc Mara Mendes (IfPol-WWU)
Episode #6
How can citizens use data to impact their community and change the reality? What can we learn from civic innovations in Brazil and Germany? With Prof. Dr. GiseleCraveiro (EACH - USP) and Sonja Fischbauer (Open Knowledge Foundation - Germany)
Episode #7
How to move towards a more sustainable and fair city, based on one city’s own knowledge? How can different cities create their own developing models? With Prof. Dr. Samuel Mössner (IfG - WWU) and M.Sc. Carolina Guimarães (Sustainable Cities Institute).
Episode #8
How does science fiction help us (re)build our concept of artificial intelligence? What is the impact that those stories have in our expectations and fears about technology? With Dr. Veridiana Domingos (C4AI-USP) and Dr. Isabella Hermann (Berlin Sci-Fi Filmfestival).
Episode #9
How the concept of digitalization has changed in the last years? What is digital inequality and how different access and digital literacy can impact societies? With Prof. Dr. Benedikt Berger (WI-WWU) and M.A. Fabio Senne (Nic.Br / DCP - USP).
The wwu.usp Project
The Data Talks series is one of the current digital activities of the Strategic Partnership Project called wwu.usp between the University of Münster (WWU) and the University of São Paulo (USP), which has been funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) since 2015. The wwu.usp project is coordinated by the Brazil Centre of the WWU in collaboration with the AUCANI-USP (International Cooperation Office).

The aim of the wwu.usp project is to promote research collaboration and the
exchange of students and professors in all fields of knowledge in order to deepen the strong partnership between WWU and USP. The Data Talks series also serve to promote the dialogue between senior and young researchers and experts promoting the discussion in the thematic realm of "data" from the perspective of different disciplines.

The Data Talks was conceived by Jessica Voigt as a part of the German Chancellor Fellowship (2020/21) - Alexander von Humboldt Foundation - and is hosted by the Brazil Centre of the University of Münster as a part of the wwu.usp project, promoted in cooperation with the AUCANI, from the University of São Paulo.

  • Jessica Voigt
    Jessica is former German Chancellor Fellow from the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung and guest researcher at the Institut für Politikwissenschaft of the University of Münster. She is the founder and producer of Data Talks.
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Hellingrath 
    wwu.usp Project leader and Scientific Director of the Brazil Centre.
  • Anja Grecko Lorenz
    Managing director of the
    Brazil Centre.
  • Katy Karen C. dos Santos
    Brazil Centre’s member of staff for advisory services, communication and coordination of the wwu.usp project. She also works with the coordination and production of Data Talks.
  • Prof. Dr. Marcio Lobo Netto
    Former Vice-Provost and Associate Director for Mobility at AUCANI-USP and coordinator of the wwu.usp project from the side of USP.
  • Juliana Heredia
    Juliana is an audiovisual professional and also contributes to other podcasts. She is responsible for the technical support of Data Talks.  
  • Isabel Deak
    Isabel is a translator, and she is responsible for reviewing the talks' transcripts and translate them to Portuguese for our subtitles.
University of Münster
wwu.usp - Brazil Centre
Leonardo Campus 1,
48149 Münster
Tel: +49 251 83-32 85 7
Fax: 0251 - 83 32 12 5

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